Saturday, January 8, 2011

Moza AlKuwari

Moza Al-Kuwari

         I am truly thankful to have a mother like mine. The trust and drive she implanted in her children is what makes her so unique in ways many parents don’t understand. She gave her children the greatest gift a mother could provide to a child and that was aspiration. She believed in her children like all parents are supposed to, she never lost hope in any of her children, even when those around her told her that there was no point in believing in something that will never happen. To them Moza appeared to be naïve since she believed in what seemed as the impossible, she dreamt of what would always be a dream but never a reality. Nevertheless, Moza doubted the beliefs of those who surrounded her and followed her heart. Her determination in her children was unstoppable and to this day Moza still strives confidence in her children; she would remind us everyday that nothing is impossible unless we make it impossible; because of her we have become more than just an aspiration.

         Moza was brought up in a house with two loving parents, five brothers and three sisters. The lifestyle she lived was quite different than the way the Qataris live today. Life was simpler and less complicated but they did face a lot of hardship. Unlike this generation, Moza wasn’t pampered with the luxuries in her childhood. She lived a basic lifestyle, she went to school and like all children her age, she was expected to pass her classes, however, Moza didn’t know how to read or write. She found a lot of difficulty at the beginning of her school years and since both of her parents were illiterate no one was there to push her to do better but herself. She realized that no one would help her in her life; if she won’t help herself hence she pushed herself to learn. Eventually, she became one of the top achievers in her class and since she was the eldest of her siblings she voluntarily taught her younger brothers and sisters during their school years. She gave them the greatest gift and that was the gift of knowledge, a key that would lead them through their life’s success and make them what they are today.

       The world is a better place because of Moza and I thank every waking moment of my life that I was blessed with a mother like her. Moza Al-Kuwari is an inspiration to everyone and anyone. She is an inspiration to students, to mothers and to those who have nothing but faith.  She has the ability to see the best in others rather than their worst. The way she strived her children to exceed their limits is a trait that all mothers should acquire. She is an optimist who achieved her goals by believing that she can, she is a wonderful sister for voluntarily teaching her siblings and most importantly she is a phenomenal mother for trusting in her children’s abilities to succeed even when all the lights seemed dark.

1 comment:

  1. What a great mother you have ،، rabee y5aleekum lba3a'9
